I am beyond pumped to share with you the core of your business: NICHE AND MESSAGE. People who make it in this health coach or wellness biz are able to tap into the Niche pain points, wants, desires and provide a solution.
The more you deep dive into your Niche, Sub-niche and the key messages they need to hear, your success rate will soar and you will be able to 10x the money you are masking now.
Over the next 5 days, we will deep dive into your Niche Business:
- Day 1 – Video 1: How I Built My $6-Figure Niche-Based Business (& How You Can, Too!) with the New Funnel and What is missing in my Funnel Worksheet
- Day 2 – Video 2: How to Nail YOUR Niche in 10-Minutes (Without Overthinking!) with the Niche Worksheet
- Day 3 – Video 3: How to Use YOUR STORY to Build Your Brand & Your Following with the Be Your Brand and Message Worksheet
- Day 4 – Video 4: How to Use Your Niche to Nail Your FUNNEL (Including Freebies ) with the Sales Funnel Checklist (and we will be using this for HOT SEATS)
- Day 5 – Bonus Day!! Learn from a superstar coach how she nailed her niche and rocked her biz!
Here is how it’s going to play out:
- You will have access to the videos and worksheets.
- Take 30-60 minutes out of your day to complete the worksheets and show up to the webinars with questions.
- I will be giving strategies, techniques, and exercises on the webinars that I have learned over 20+ years in business for myself
This is what you should do:
- Introduce Yourself via Live or a Picture and a post in our Facebook group
- Tell us who you are
- Where You Live
- What you do
- Who you Serve
- Why did you become a coach (share each day the ah-ah moment so you can be a winner 🤪)
- Share your story and pretend I am your niche
- Share your Introduction with photo or video as a comment under the post I’ll share via our Facebook group.
DAY ONE: How I Built My $6-Figure Niche-Based Business (& How You Can, Too!)
- Download the materials. I will be deep diving into what I did not do year 1 & 2 and then what did work in year 3 when I hit the 6 fig mark.
- I want you to look at your business with a fresh pair of glasses.
- Write in a journal what freebies you have and what free offers.
- Also write down what offers you have for your 1-1 work with me, your offline groups or online groups.
- Think about list building, giveaways and, summits.
- We are going to create a leak-free funnel built with soul and intuition.
- Watch the Replay by clicking the video above.
- Work on The New Funnel and What Is Missing in My Funnel Worksheet. And be honest with yourself – ask yourself: are you really growing your email list, are people asking about your programs, are they buying? Take Inventory and check where the gaps between what I DID to build a 6-figure biz and what you are currently doing are.
- Introduce Yourself to the group: Tell us how you felt after watching the live tonight, did something light up for you? What stood out to you the most? What things did I implement in my business that you are currently missing in yours? The more you participate, the higher the chances you have to win fabulous prizes like free access to the membership program. So, go in and engage, #screwperfection! Click here to go to the group.
DAY TWO: How to Nail YOUR Niche in 10-Minutes (Without Overthinking!)

Be Your Brand Playsheet
Here’s Your Homework – I want you to keep the momentum going, baby!
- Work on THE NICHE WORKSHEET and I want you to take some time away from all distractions. Establishing your niche is a difficult exercise and some people tend to feel overwhelmed with it. I want you to not stress out over this – but I also need you to understand that this is super important.
- Journal for ten minutes before you go to sleep tonight, make yourself some tea and write about your story – your health issues, your personal transformation, how you got to where you are now and what was the solution to those issues you were going through.
- Start Connecting the Dots between those issues you were experiencing the opt-ins and programs you are offering, do they match your story?
- Share your story with the group: I want you to go into the FB group and shoot a video about YOUR STORY and have the balls to post it! What happened to you? What was life like? What was your breaking point? What did you learn from that? What do you teach today?
DAY THREE: How to Use YOUR STORY to Build Your Brand & Your Following

The Healthy Coach Schedule
- Watch the Replay.
- Work on the Be Your Brand and Message Worksheet but I also want you to go back to the day 1-3 and start filling in the gaps. Be honest with yourself, check every single aspect of your business and pinpoint the holes in your funnel. Are your opt-ins connecting with your story, are you using the same language YOU were using when you were going through your own transformation story?
- Share your story with the group: I want you to go into the FB group and shoot a video about YOUR STORY and have the balls to post it! What happened to you? What was life like? What was your breaking point? What did you learn from that? What do you teach today?
DAY FOUR: How to Use Your Niche to Nail Your FUNNEL (Including Freebies & Programs)

What’s Missing From Your Funnel
- Watch the Replay.
- Listen to the Hot Seats.
- Online or offline
- Ask yourself what you are not saying and where are the missing holes in your business?
- Free entry points
- Low-cost programs
- Or does a membership work better or you?
- 3 Tier work with me – 3 options as we discussed
- Work on the Powerful Sales Funnel Worksheet and create and place irresistible offers into your funnel that speak to your ideal client avatar – that reflect your journey through all of this, that speak from the heart. Remember to un-coach yourself and think about the way YOUR people are searching for you.
- Plug the leaks of your funnel: I want you to go into detective mode with a clear and honest, unbiased point of view and figure out where you are missing the mark in your funnel. Is it the opt-ins, the language, the places you are positioning yourself. . . etc. Tell me in the group three things that you are going to implement/change today in your funnel that you can’t wait to see in action,
This woman has worked with me in our membership and we also worked on a strategy call to discover her niche – message and soul business. Listen to her story. Listen to her breakthrough and then listen to the HOT SEAT and hear the breakthrough. We all can have THIS!!!! It is possible when we have a community, soul leadership, and alignment.
We also can learn from each other.
Play the video below for a message from Katrina.
We can all learn from Katrina as we have all been there right?
Ready to take your business to the next level? Now that you’ve learned how to pick your niche and build your brand, it’s time to put what you learned to work. Purchase the program that fits perfectly with your niche.
The world is sick, let’s make it better.
Love to you,
Ready? Build your signature business now.

My name is Rachel A. Feldman.
I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system and, a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit and my family.
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Health Coach Niche 4-Part Video Series 2018 by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.
Copyright © 2018 Rachel A. Feldman