Launching can be a steep climb up the hill. If you are struggling to make money from your health coaching business, you are not alone. The good news is that there IS a solution to the madness, Christina found it.
She mapped out a simple launch, in fact, she. . .
- She DID NOT use Facebook ads.
- She only marketed on Facebook 3 times.
- She used a challenge to build trust and lead them to the next program with an upsell.
If you want to find out how Christina. . .
- Got 32 people during an early bird promotion (while just starting) @ $97 = $3,104
- Got 15 people at regular pricing @1 $129 per person = $1,935
- Got 6 people on additional coaching at $99 per person = $594
You need to watch this interview! We go DEEP into how my DFY Programs can catapult you into dreamy success like Christina.
My name is Rachel A. Feldman.
I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system and a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit and my family.
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Health Coach Success Series by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.
Copyright © 2018 Rachel A. Feldman | Wellness Business Solutions In A Box. All Rights Reserved.