Effortlessly Launch the HOTTEST Keto Program Out There BUY NOW
Chat with me for a minute, Sister.
Do you know and respect the heck out of David Asprey? Mark Sisson? Terry Wahls?
They ALL talk about ketogenic diets, and with good reason. If your clients are athletes, need energy, are trying to lose weight, or face autoimmune or sugar issues, there’s reason to go ketogenic.
But who wants to spend weeks creating a new program instead of interacting with your clients, getting that exposure you need, and staying on top of the latest research?
Coach, let’s be honest. No one.
Get ready to meet your business’s best friend. Ketogenic made easy. A program based on the teachings of people you know and trust, fully ketogenic, and guaranteed to give your clients results and your business a profit boost.
This program is right for you if…
- You know and love the ketogenic life
- You want to teach your clients the ketogenic life but you don’t have the recipes, the guide and a complete program to give them
- If you are ready to TEACH the Ketogenic way but you know NOT everyone knows what “ketogenic” means, which is why you need a program
- You know you don’t have the time to make Keto recipes and calculate the net carbs and calories
Ketogenic Made Easy is for the COACH who wants:
- To have a done for you, business in a box 4 week – 30 Day Omnivore Program
- To teach their clients how to lose weight without dieting, biohack their body and say goodbye to nasty digestive issues
This is NOT for you if you want to spend 100+ hours creating your own.
If you know this is what you need and desire….then the done for you Ketogenic Made Easy Program is for you.
Since you’re here, though, my guess is it IS for you.
Ketogenic Made Easy is designed to simplify your life. It’s a done for you program built around the Ketogenic philosophy and that is one you believe is everyone’s birthright. Simple enough, right?
“Researchers at Duke University compared the glucose control properties of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet with those of a low-glycemic, reduced-calorie diet among a group of obese male patients diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. After a study period of 24 weeks, patients on the ketogenic diet showed greater improvement in glycemic control and more medication reduction or elimination than patients who followed the low glycemic index diet. Researchers published their findings in a 2008 issue of “Nutrition & Metabolism.” – Livestrong
There’s a reason your clients AND the teachers you trust are screaming for keto. The ketogenic diet is science-based. It’s been proven to work in multiple studies.
From cholesterol to weight and sugar, ketogenic can help tackle some of today’s toughest challenges to wellness.
Did you know that…
- Worldwide obesity has increased dramatically in the past forty years? The obesity epidemic affects almost 3x the number of people it did in 1975! And YOU can do something about it…
- Ketosis – the phase of energy burning your body enters on the ketogenic diet – makes the body burn FAT as its main fuel source.
- Low carb doesn’t have to mean low energy. On a ketogenic diet, the body adapts, so your clients will have the energy they crave while burning excess fat.
This program is ready to go, to help you start making a profit now.
No spending hours studying the good or bad effects of every single food.
No wasting money trying to get a personalized program written.
Not a minute wasted while you try to balance a full-time job, a family, and a coaching business.
Start making continuous income today, and focus on what you do best.
Coach, I made the Ketogenic Made Easy program because I was tired of seeing great coaches like you waste hours trying to put together a keto program your clients would love. You’ve got better things to do! Get out there and COACH.
That’s not the only reason I made Ketogenic Made Easy, sister. I made it for your clients. They WANT this program. Keto diets are all the rage, but it can be a headache to wade through the info and try to find out what to do, how, when, and why.
Clients these days are SMART. They want info-packed materials, delicious recipes, and NO FLUFF. That’s what this is all about – getting them the details they need and making it as simple as possible for them to succeed.
Ketogenic, made easy.
The Simplest Way to Start Your Clients on a Keto Diet
How many hours do you spend researching, writing, marketing, and managing your programs, Coach?
Would you like to have that time back for 1:1 consultations, attending events, hosting workshops, or even just grabbing a cup of tea with a friend?
Give yourself a break. This program has everything you’ve been looking for. Built on the teachings of Mark Sisson, David Asprey, and Terry Wahls, it’s the perfect intro to keto for your clients.
It’s also your ticket to an afternoon off, a booked schedule, and clients who keep coming back because they can see and FEEL the results.
Ketogenic Made Easy™
A Done-For-You Program For Health Coaches
Building a business alone is hard. Building a business with support is NOT.
This program is your…
- Business-boosting moneymaker, packed with info you can trust and materials that are professional and polished
- Client-pleasing, time-saving, keto program loaded with all the recipes and marketing materials you need to wow your clients
- A Perfect tool for online and offline success as a rockstar health coach with a ketogenic focus
She exercises. She diets. She even eats clean. She may even have an autoimmune. But no matter what, she’s low on energy, can’t shed those excess pounds, and she’s just about ready to give up.
But she’s asked you about one last thing. One last glimmer of hope – the Ketogenic Diet. Can you help her?
Coach, you can. Launching a program based on the latest research is hard work, but you can do it. You’ve got the materials – they’re right here.
Be there for her. Be the coach who knows what she needs, and has the program to help her succeed. She’ll be back, with friends.
You’ve got this. I’ve got your back.
Get Immediate Access to what’s inside the Ketogenic Made Easy Program:
For Your Clients …
Give your clients great value and take all the credit, because everything is copyright-free and yours to claim:
- Ketogenic Made Easy Guide with a stylish design and professional feel, this 24-page guide is loaded with all the info your client needs to make it through keto flu and keto-adaption. They’ll appreciate your knowledge and be wowed by your expertise. (Value $3,000)
- 4 Rocking Handouts (Value $140 @ $35/ea)
- Ketogenic Cocktails
- How to Improve Fat Digestion
- Non-Dairy Ketogenic Snacks
- How to Survive the Ketogenic Flu
- Recipe Guide: 30+ Scrumptious recipes (Value $10,500), because keto can taste fabulous. Give your clients a taste of healthy living, one delicious bite at a time. Each recipe is crafted by a professional chef and based on the guidelines of the ketogenic diet. They’ll taste sinfully good, but be great for your clients’ wellness.
- Four Weeks of Shopping Lists (Value $800), to keep them in the safe part of the grocery store. We all know how hard it is to buy the right foods – temptation in the store is HIGH. Help your clients stay strong and eat right by showing them how to shop smart.
- 4 Weeks of suggested meals (Value $800): You’ve given them the recipes they need to thrive and the shopping list to get the goods. Now you can also show your clients how to combine them for optimum health. These suggested meals make it easy to walk them through what a day of feeding the body the fuel it needs and craves looks like.
- Beautifully-designed food diary (Value $100) so your client can jot down the process, every step of the way. They’ll learn what foods fuel them and what their weaknesses are.
PLUS, you get everything you need to set up a success signature, gateway or low-end offer to get clients and make money!
For Your Business …
And it’s not just your clients who get great benefits – your business gets the boost it needs to make killer sales and get your name the visibility it deserves!
- 2 Gorgeous Client-Catching Opt-in Freebies. Build your list and boost your cred with these info-packed, stylish opt-in freebies. Put them on your website to draw subscribers or turn them into mini-programs, webinars, workshops, and more to make a great and lasting impression. (Value $3,540)
- Opt-in Freebie #1: 8 Ketogenic Foods to Help You Lose Weight & Blast Fat
- 2D and 3D covers
- Opt-in Sales Page
- Thank You Email
- 2 Banners
- 1 FB Ad-size Image
- Opt-in Freebie #2: The Ketogenic Diet and Gut Health
- 2D and 3D covers
- Opt-in Sales Page
- Thank You Email
- 2 Banners
- Opt-in Freebie #1: 8 Ketogenic Foods to Help You Lose Weight & Blast Fat
- Two New Live PPT Presentation Packages with Scripts. Imagine only needing to rehearse your talk for a webinar, workshop, or live community event. Your job is just to show up and give a talk with the perfect slides, script, and handouts. They’re right here, fully-scripted and ready for your brand. (Value $2520)
- PowerPoint #1: KETO MADE EASY
- Script
- Handout
- Special Bonus: Promo is a snap with images and banners ready to roll with this presentation:
- 2 Promo Images
- 1 Banner
- Script
- Handout
- Special Bonus: Promo is a snap with images and banners ready to roll with this presentation:
- 2 Promo Images
- 1 Banner
- PowerPoint #1: KETO MADE EASY
- 6 pre-marketing emails (Value $600) to prime your existing list. A captive audience is a terrible thing to waste. If you have a list of email subscribers who would benefit from Ketogenic Made Easy, this list will get them ready to buy before you even launch.
- 6 support emails (Value $600), to handhold your clients through the entire keto process. We all know the start can be rough on keto, but these messages deliver the right message to keep them working hard towards health and on course for great results!
- 15 Royalty Free recipe photos (Value $2250) to show off the delicious treats that keto dieters can eat. These recipe photos can be added to the recipe book or used individually in blog posts, as promotional materials, on your social media – you name it. Wherever they are, they’re eye-catching.
- 20 Blogs (Value $1875) No more wasting T-I-M-E writing blogs because we did the work for you. Plug n’ Play. All you have to do is add a call to action on these blogs and you are golden.
- Kick-off and Wrap-up PowerPoints with play-by-play scripts: Get your new program off to an unbeatable start with the right kick-off webinar or live presentation, and close it just as strongly. Fully scripted, these two presentations offer a quick way to skip stage fright and make a professional, positive, and lasting impression. (Value $1,570)
- Pricing Guide. Know what to charge and don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth. This guide sets you on the right track. (Value $75)
- Business resource guide (Value $497) brimming with everything I wish I’d known when I first started coaching. Save yourself hours of work and effort with these helpful resources.
- The Ketogenic Made Easy Coaching Manual (Value $1,500): Starting your clients on keto can be tough. The materials you need to find an audience, market your program, and launch effortlessly are right here. Save yourself hassle (and cash). This guide is your personal business coach, and it’s packed with everything you need to get off to a smooth start.
- A kick butt sales page, written by a professional copywriter (Value $1,000+): Some people have a way with words. They know how to place them, exactly what to say, and how to evoke emotion. The end result? Higher sales. Be that someone. This sales page was crafted by one of my top copywriters and is designed to attract and sell your Ketogenic Made Easy program to your ideal clients. No more posting a page and hoping it works. This one WILL.
- Social media package (Value $1870), even for coaches who hate social media. If you’re tired of trying to figure out Facebook algorithms, time tweets, and pose the perfect Instagram shots, this social media package is your bestie. Inside, you’ll find everything you need to master the social web without a headache, and maximize your marketing strategy without living on Facebook.
- 6 PayPal Buttons
- 10 Marketing Images
- 20 Inspirational Images
- Five Banners
- 3 Sample Facebook and 2 Tweets
- 17 Tech Tutorials Visibility Kit to Drive Buzz and Get You Noticed: Not a tech master? These tutorials will catch you up to speed. From Mailchimp to Facebook, master everything you need with the step-by-step help you’ve secretly hoped for. (Value $1,100)
Value $17,427
And coach, those aren’t just numbers.
My amazing team of 2 copywriters, 3 graphic designers, 2 editors, and 2 VAs worked around-the-clock to bring you this kickass clean eating program.
Those values above? That’s how much each item cost to create.
You get all this for ONLY $587
Ketogenic Made Easy™
A Done-For-You Program For Health Coaches
Coach, running a business is HARD WORK.
Every year, you have to master new skills, come up with new materials, and find a way to set yourself apart from the rest. The skills you learned in school just aren’t enough.
You’ve got to innovate.
I want you to be the next celebrity health coach. You can make your mark on the world., You just need the right tips and tools to do it.
It’s time to step up your game, sister.
Work Your Mojo ON AND OFFLINE!
Smash the box, coach. It’s time to reinvent the way your practice runs. Let your creativity flow, and you’ll find all kinds of ways to find new clients and keep old ones coming back for more.
Coaching is the HOTTEST industry right now. You KNOW the competition is stiff.
What if there was a simple solution?
It’s all been done for you already – the research, the planning, the writing and the designing – all you need to do is sell it and reap the rewards. The best part? You can get started with just the click of a button.
When you download your materials you can instantly do this online:
- Host your own Ketogenic Made Easy class online – as a masterclass or free class. Record it live or upload it to YouTube…or BOTH!
- Create YouTube videos on Ketogenic Made Easy and teach viewers how to get healthy with keto, then offer the program as an upsell
- Run a FREE keto lifestyle challenge to build your list
- Sell access to exclusive, paid Keto workshops online
- Combine another program with Ketogenic Made Easy for your own spin on this amazing diet
- Sell the recipes and suggested meals as digital products, then market your new list higher-end products (like the FULL program!) they’ll LOVE.
When you download your materials you can instantly do this offline:
- Host a workshop at your home. Serve delish keto treats and make it a fun night for all. Sell your Ketogenic Made Easy Program to everyone in the room!
- Launch the Ketogenic Made Easy program and insert your favorite products into it to diversify your income
- Use the Ketogenic Made Easy Program as a gateway program to help you sell your fave products and even upsell to another, longer program
- Combine the Ketogenic Made Easy Program with the services of a personal chef, massage therapist, gym, spa, or naturopath for a kickin’ program that drives sales for both of you
- Host a group retreat based on Ketogenic Made Easy Program and SHOW your clients how simple and rewarding this diet is
- Build a lengthier program for your clients using Ketogenic Made Easy Program as the base by just REPEATING the process – add more weeks or months for a quick and easy upsell
This program is packed with the materials you need to get back a little free time in your day and recapture a little work-life balance. You’ll be ready for online and offline events, group coaching, webinars, workshops, challenges, 1:1 coaching – you name it.
More importantly, you’ll have a system and the support you need to rock it.
If you’re tired of programs collecting virtual dust on your computer, get ready for a change. Too often, health coaches buy a program (or twenty), but don’t get advice or support to help them rock it. I hate that. You’re investing your time and money in these programs, and it’s my job to make sure you see the value you deserve, coach.
The system you’re getting is mine. It’s what I used to rock my own business to multiple six-figures, and I’ve helped 8,500+ coaches uplevel their businesses, too. It works.
It works because you get more than just materials – you get access to an exclusive group of like-minded coaches who are headed down the path to success with you. Ever run a race, Coach? It’s easier to go the distance when you’re not alone. We’re in this together.
You also get access to my team and me. We’re in the Facebook forum with you, answering questions, giving advice, listening to your concerns, and helping you rock your business. It’s what we live for.
This is not a cookie-cutter program that you’ll have to pay hidden royalties for or wind up needing a thousand add-ons to make it work. You get everything you need to rock an amazing adrenals program: guides, recipes, newsletters, blogs, PowerPoint presentation, session notes, you name it…I’ve pulled out all the stops. There are NO hidden fees; everything is COPYRIGHT FREE.
But Coach, there’s one thing I haven’t given you. Mojo. You’ve got to add your own. Go rock it!
My name is Rachel Feldman

I created this program for you because I know what a challenge it can be to introduce your clients to new concepts, new ideas, new ways to boost, supplement and complement their health, while completely avoiding those programs that don’t educate them properly.
Isn’t it about time you started seeing some real returns on your Health Coach business? Grab this opportunity to get your business growing right now and enjoy the rewards of a wise investment.
When you buy this program, say hello to:
- More freedom to enjoy your life because the hard work is done for you
- More clients to use your program because they’ll have everything they need to get started and hire you
- More cash to finally live your dream life because freedom and money go hand in hand
When you buy this program, say goodbye to:
- Lost time trying to gather all this information for yourself
- Investment loss because you deserve to have your investments turn into profit
- Stress because everything, and I mean everything, is absolutely done for you
They deserve it, and so do you!
There are other ways to use this program, too. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s see what other coaches like you have to say:
Get your Health & Wellness Business off the ground right here, right now for $587.
Ketogenic Made Easy™
A Done-For-You Program For Health Coaches
What happens when you buy?
I’ll send you an email with your private membership access to download your materials. All you have to do is edit as little or as much as you’d like, launch, and sell your done-for-you program. It’s that simple! If you’ve got questions, you’ll also get access to my support group for any health coach who has ever purchased a Done-For-You Program.
It’s your turn to get clients and get paid.
Hey, freedom-searching coach. I’m Rachel Feldman; long-time Health Coach turned Business Niche Coach.
I’m the bold, brazen creator of the Health Coach Done For You Programs. I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training. I’ve been featured in Florida Man and Woman magazine, Mind Body Green, Williams & Sonoma blog, Ripe & Ready, The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Forbes, and many others. I am also a featured business educator at the Hippocrates Health Institute.
For years, I struggled with chronic health issues. While digging into the root cause of my own health struggles, I discovered the power of clean eating and detoxing. Clean eating and detoxing became the foundation for my own health transformation, and also the core of my own health coach practice and the Done For You Programs. After building my health coaching business from bare bones to six figures, I expanded my mission to help new coaches follow suit and create their own thriving success. I created these programs for health coaches so they could spend less time creating and more time coaching clients.
To date, I’ve helped over 8,500 coaches finally turn a profit, book more clients, and sell out programs of their own. I am beyond passionate about creating a world with less sickness and more happiness, whether I’m behind the scenes helping other health coaches spread their message and their work with the Done For You Programs or coaching clients how to launch the programs and their business successfully. Even though I’m always on the go, teaching, speaking on podcasts and summits, I always make time for a green smoothie, chocolate at noon, and a cuddle session with my hubby and kids.
I’m here to give you REAL TOOLS to build a business that gives you FREEDOM.
So prepare yourself, coach. I’m ready to reveal every juicy detail of my business success story AND help you crush it online and offline.
Do you still have questions? Please check the FAQ page for answers to common questions.
REFUND POLICY: Due to the nature of a downloadable product, we do not issue refunds. If you have questions about what product is right for you, please fill out the contact form. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to supporting you. To read the full disclaimer and FaQ’s, please visit https://yourhealthcoachbiz.com
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your use and purchase from this site signifies your agreement with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer. If you do not agree with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer, please do not buy this product and close this website.
Ketogenic Program Made Easy™ by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.