The Ultimate Funnel for Building Authority and Paying Clients™
A done-for-you health and wellness funnel to build trust, pitch your services, and build your list for your wellness biz.
Hey Health Coach! You know it’s your mission to be changing people’s lives.
Why did you choose to become a health coach? Was it for the too-good-to-be-true moment when your client realizes she’s running after her toddler without being out of breath?
What about the joy of teaching people that they can live a life without inflammation, gut issues, sugar addiction, mood swings, or hormone problems – and stay that way?
Your clients are struggling. They operate like robots in their bad habits. Day in and day out. Eating foods that hurt them, sleeping too little, working too much, neglecting self-care…
They want to change. You have the answer.
Getting people to open the door to their hearts requires trust. They need to see that you understand their needs and that you have the answer to their struggles.
Get ready to meet your new secret weapon.
This funnel is your answer to bringing in new clients and converting them to long-time relationships. You get dazzling content for every step of the sales funnel, all the way up to 1-on-1s.
You’re in for a treat because it’s the exact steps I used to create a thriving health coach business.
It’s even better.
Right off the bat, you get the BEST of the best.
That’s because this funnel works – every piece is how I built my business from $13k to six figures in less than three years.
You’ll never feel like your money is vanishing from your pockets or that you need to pitch a tent in your office just to survive.
You get it all without hiring an army of VAs, writers, designers, chefs, recipe testers, and photographers or spending precious time sweating over your keyboard trying to put the pieces together.
That’s because I hired the best of the best to save you money and time so that you can do what you do best: coach!
What’s a Sales Funnel? A sales funnel is a system for carrying clients through your biz, all the way from low-cost programs to your high-ticket signature programs.

Have you ever felt like...
- You’re confused about how to get clients interested in working with you online or in-person?
- You’re overwhelmed by the thought of having to create ground-up programs with dozens of pieces of content required to build your authority with people you’ve never met?
- You’ve wasted so much time researching buzzwords like “list building” and “sales funnels” that you’ve neglected building your presence and authority?
- You hear crickets every time you blog or post on social media because your content just isn’t there?
- You’re not sure how to turn your passion for coaching and your knowledge into a biz that both help people AND pays the bills?
With Your Done For You Programs you can finally...
- Create a passionate tribe of paying clients who are invested in transforming their lives… with you!
- Pitch your services, close the deal, and build your list without fighting writer’s block or spending hours late at night looking for pretty pics on stock image sites.
- Invest your time & energy working with the clients that light your fire instead of sitting in front of your computer for what feels like days.
- Bring clients to your doorstep with complete confidence because the high-quality, expert materials & programs you have are above & beyond anyone else.
- Feel confident that you’re covering every base to funnel clients through your biz so that you’re never scrambling to figure out the next step.

This funnel has everything you need to cultivate your tribe.
When you buy the “Ultimate Wellness Funnel for Building Authority and Getting Paying Clients”, here is what you can do with it…
- Nurture trust with your niche by showing that you’re connected to their deepest desires to have the energy to fully participate in this crazy thing called life… and that the solution to their energy challenge is within their reach.
- Sell spots in the workshop or sell the clean eating plan for continuous passive income so that you can spend your time coaching, not sitting at the computer!
- Deliver a high-impact workshop that will WOW your future clients, then keep them close with a nurture email sequence and a bonus freebie that will get them signing up to work with you.
- Build your email list with two gorgeous freebies about revitalizing energy that appeal to every niche no matter the season or fad diet trends.
- Start changing your clients’ lives from their first 1-on-1 from food choices to mindset with 1-on-1 materials like the Daily Habit Checklist and the list of the Dirty Dozen/Clean 15.
I send the materials right to your inbox, and you start editing your done for you program.
Then you share, share and share.
Your Time is now my friend...
Say YES to your success!

The Ultimate Funnel for Building Authority and Paying Clients

Your health Coach Biz Gets
You have a complete system that includes every tool you’ll ever need to get them interested, get them signed up, and keep them coming back.
Your new system starts with the Energy Rest lead magnet (also called opt-in freebie), then nurture them with an Energy Reset workshop, give tons of extra value with a 7-Day Clean Eating Plan, and fill your calendar for 1-on-1s, where you’ll knock it out of the park with amazing handouts.
This is the full system to bring your clients’ dreams to life and to fill your client pipeline, Health Coach!
Phase 1 of Your Ultimate Funnel: Lead Generation
OK, I know “lead generation” sounds like weird jargon. I’ll explain why it’s important…
A lead is a new client who’s never worked with you before. Grab their attention with amazing free value, eye-catching content, or your compelling, authentic message. These are the people who need your help, Coach!
The goal is to get them to sign up for your email list or one of your low-cost online programs. You’ll get their contact info in exchange for delivering them awesome value that gets them thinking about you as a partner in their health journey.
How do you get these leads? Does the idea of creating compelling content give you the heebie-jeebies?
Coach, the Ultimate Funnel has everything you need to get NEW Leads into your Biz.
I’ve made sure that every content speaks to the deepest desires of a huge variety of people, no matter your final niche. Energy, clean eating – you’ll find that your ideal client resonates!
This is What You Get for Your Phase 1: Lead Generation
Energy Reset Lead Magnet aka Opt In Freebie
This is the complete package for lead generation. Load up the Sales Page, link to the Freebie, share it with your community, and watch your email list grow! Boost your cred and build your list with an info-packed freebie. Use it on your website to attract subscribers and then flow them through to the webinar. This lead magnet has 3 parts:

High-converting copy written by a professional. Plug in your deets & go!

Bring your new subscribers a smile with a cheerful thank you email that gets them used to receiving email from you.

for every element of the program so that you can market them on your website, social media, and your newsletter. Nothing says pro like gorgeous marketing does!
5 Ways to have Long-Lasting Energy Webinar/Workshop
This is the ultimate workshop for connecting with your clients and entice them into coming back for more inspiring lifestyle content. Uncomfortable talking in public? Do you lack confidence that your message will hone in? This soup-to-nuts solution will get you there. Deliver it online or in person.

Long-Lasting Energy Workshop Powerpoint that will leave your participants hungry for more solutions… from you!

Or everything you ever needed to share your honest message without stressing about representing yourself well.

That will create an unbelievable number of signups with exciting copy and inspiring images that speak to your clients’ hearts.

Share the news about your workshop on your social, blog, newsletters without spending time or a single dime finding photos or making them images in Canva

Host this workshop in person and rest assured your bases will be covered, even down to the sign-in sheet.

Give your attendees the warm fuzzies when they get a happy message from you in their inbox written by a professional copywriter.
That’s not all. You’ll get everything you need to convert that email list into glorious 1-on-1 signups.
Phase 2 of Your Ultimate Funnel: Lead Conversion
This is What You Get for Phase 2: Nurturing Leads into Paying Clients
7 Day Clean Eating Plan for a jumpstart with 1-on-1 sessions
The entire set of materials to take them through a clean-eating kickoff so that they’re primed to work with you! Provide it as extra value, add it as a bonus, or sell it on its own to generate passive income. The possibilities are endless. You can also sell the 7 Day Clean Eating Plan as a Do It Yourself Mini Plan or sell as a tripwire for $7. Includes:

with delicious recipes that shows that healthy can be scrumptious. Every recipe is hand-crafted by a chef.

to make shopping easy & keep them in the safe zone at the grocery store.

so they’re empowered to keep track of all the noms during the week.

where you can add new ideas during a 1-on-1 or where they can keep track of their own inspirations.

for every element of the program so that you can market them on your website, social media, and your newsletter. Nothing says pro like gorgeous marketing does!

to get your clients pumped to work with you. Speak to their deepest desires from day one and watch the sign-ups flow! Send the 2nd gift on Day 2 to increase engagement and email open rates!

that show your passion and authority without you having to take a single photo of a sandwich or write a single sentence… or spend thousands hiring a team.
Complete Package of Materials for your 1-on-1 sessions
Including the handouts that get your clients going with clean eating and healthy habits, plus the all-important journal that enables you to keep track of everything you talk about with them. Useful & elegant without you having to lift a finger. These are the tools that you need to get them coming back!

Your clients have been in their cycle of bad habits for too long, Coach. Propel them towards positive living with this handout.

Included to share on FB, Instagram, or anywhere else you’re letting your clients know about this program. Or use the cover to market this handout as a low-cost tripwire.

Get them off the bad habit horse ASAP by giving them the homework they need. Plus, you can keep track of their progress, too!

Your clients are in danger even in the produce aisle. It’s your duty to tell them how they can make the best choices to avoid pesticides.

Keep track of everything you cover during sessions with this handy notebook. It’s so pretty you’ll be excited every time you crack it open.

They’ll bounce out of bed every day when this journal’s the first thing they read in the AM!

Included so that you can promote this journal before & after your 1-on-1s. Show them that you care!

Plus a manual and how to use this funnel to get paying clients.
Coach, your biz will reach the next level once you’ve got this system in place. It’s your time to shine.
- All materials are trademark-free and customizable.
- Great for the following niches: busy moms, corporate, adrenal health, hormones, digestive wellness, detox and more….
- This program is omnivore & gluten-free.
- All materials can be edited, branded, rebranded.
Buy it. Brand it. Launch it.
This is how much it would cost for you to create this program
$300 per project
Recipe Developer
Social Media Manager
The Ultimate Wellness Funnel for Building Authority and Getting Paying Client
What happens when you buy
I send the materials right to your inbox, and you start editing your done for you program.
Then you share, share and share.
Your Time is now my friend...
Say YES to your success!

My name is Rachel A. Feldman
I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system, and a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit, and my family.

Most frequent questions and answers
For starters, I just didn’t come up with these programs on a whim because I thought they were the “in” thing to do. Before I became a business coach for health coaches and the creator of the Done-For-You Programs, I had an upstanding health coaching practice. I helped support hundreds of clients to reach their goals, uncover gut issues, lose weight, detox properly, break their sugar addiction, and restore their mind, body, and soul using the holistic principles from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I furthered my education at Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training. I never stopped learning and I needed these programs for my own clients. These programs are tried and tested to give proven results. I base my programs on the teachings of many world-renowned health experts. When you purchase a Done-For-You Program you can rest assured that there have been 8,500+ health coaches before you who have built thriving practices using these programs. I’m here to support you in the group and so is my team. With us, you’re never alone.
We believe in the power of seasonal eating, which is why we create a different program every season, with new recipes, new social media, new content and deliver this program to you. We have seen coaches build and brand their business using the seasonal detox and clean eating program. If you have any questions, please contact us. The program DOES include seasonal grains and beans.
No worries, email us at [email protected] and we will help get you started on a prior season that works with your location. We have years of seasons waiting to be launched by you!
When you purchase a Done-For-You Program from you receive fully-editable files in .doc format. All you need is MS Office, specifically word to edit the client files. You can also purchase MS Office 365 for $9.99/month if needed. You can add your name to the copyright information and claim all this hard work as your very own. How awesome is that? All I ask is that you do not publish as an Amazon book, but I’m sure you knew that already because if that were the case everyone would have the same book. Please read the Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer Please.
Investing in yourself and in your business is always worth it. You can’t expect to grow as a business owner if you don’t have the programs you need, the time-saving tools to help you along the way, or the accountability to help guide you through the entire process. With us, you get all of the above plus materials that you can use at any time of the year – even with the detox as the opt in freebies or the power points can be used for your business year round.
Because these programs are instantly delivered to you without a waiting moment, you receive the digital files. Therefore, these programs are non-returnable and because of this, they are non-refundable. If you make a mistake during your purchase please contact [email protected] to resolve the matter.
It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes it takes an entire team to help grow a health coaching business. You’re not a fraud! I encourage you to rename the programs you purchase, edit the files in your own voice, and add at least 15-20% of your personality anywhere throughout the documents. It’s ok to get help! I want you to coach more and do less of this “back-end” work. Don’t you?
For starters, you get additional support in our free groups! You get me, Rachel Feldman, and access to my team of educated and resourceful moderators from tech support to program launching support. You get it all, coach. I often do livestreaming in the groups to help you as well. If you’d like private one to one coaching then you can email [email protected] , and we’ll send you an application to see if we are a good fit. If you’d like to join Your Health Coach Launch School, you can do so by clicking here. The launch school is perfect for the coach who needs helpful support and would love to get it in a group setting. You can’t beat the value and price of the launch school.
If you need a straightforward, easy-to-sell program that works for all your clients, no matter what their unique needs, this is the one for you. It’s more than just another cookie-cutter cleanse program that puts too much pressure on your client – it’s a program designed to work for every body type, every need and even for every sensitivity.
The Basic option gives you the bare bones of the awesome program but not the business builders, such as the social media, pre-marketing email funnel, opt-in freebies, powerpoint presentations and more.
The Rockstar option gives you everything you need in your business to launch and market your business like a pro. We created the Rockstar option because we know what it takes to be a Rockstar health coach.
Refund Policy
Due to the nature of a downloadable product, we do not issue refunds. If you have questions about what product is right for you, please contact us via the chat box at the bottom of the page. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to supporting you. Please make sure you have read our Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
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Important Notice: Your use and purchase from this site signifies your agreement with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer. If you do not agree with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer, please do not buy this product and close this website.
The Ultimate Wellness Funnel for Building Authority and Getting Paying Clients ™ by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.