Get ready to meet your business’s best friend. BUY NOW
3-Month Eat with Intention Program™
Done For You Intuitive Eating Program or Course For Health Coaches and Wellness Professionals
It is possible to help your client end yo-yo dieting and search for the PERFECT FAD DIET!
You can achieve this and also design the life of your dreams without burning yourself into the ground.
Imagine teaching your client how to tap into their intuition….
Imagine helping your client feel the freedom they will feel when they let go of restrictive diets and tap into their bodies desires, instead of a eat this or eat that program…..
Coaches love to launch this kind of program or course using:
Clickfunnels / Teachable / Thinkific / Facebook Unit Section / Memberpress / and more….
Get ready to meet your business’s best friend. Eat with Intention™ Program or Course. An Intuitive Eating program/course based on the 3 key strategies necessary to end dieting, master intuitive eating, and master self-love for a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lifestyle.
This program is right for you if…
- You are passionate about providing the foundations to your clients so they have the proper tools to ROCK their INTUITION!!
- You want to teach your clients how to truly transform their lives, but you don’t have the recipes, the guide and a complete program to give them, or are feeling completely burnt out from spending hours trying to create these.
- You are ready to TEACH them life-changing materials but you know that everything starts within the mind, which is why you need a program that will rock foundations and break any doubts.
- You are DONE WITH YOUR CLIENTS calculating the net carbs and calories and ready to teach them: INTUITIVE EATING.
- Launch a Course with step-by-step modules plus the opt-in freebie your clients need.
- Module-Based Program that can be used in a Membership or the perfect upsell to your Mega Program or 1-1 sessions.
With Your Done For You Programs, you can finally…
- Get enough sleep because you’ve got a constant stream of clients whose exact next steps are precisely planned out.
- Stop wasting time chasing the source of your client’s symptoms and support them to make the lasting changes they need.
- Take a day off to go to your kid’s soccer game without feeling guilty or afraid you’ll miss a critical text message from your designer, VA, or copywriter.
- Feel confident that you can provide expert-quality material to your clients because you don’t have to pay those same experts’ salaries!
- Upgrade and increase your offerings to keep your clients with you for the long term without the long hours to make the content that wows them. Imagine Repeat Customers that develop a deep relationship with you!
Your 3-Month Eat with Intention – is a program to discover how to tap into intuition with food, body, mind, and soul.
- Guide your clients through an in-depth, 3-Month program teaching them how to master Intuitive Eating online or offline.
- Deliver three months of high-quality, signature program coaching Eat With Intention to a group or to your one-on-one practice that will give them life-altering health tools they can use to completely transform their lives.
- Show the world that you’re a health and wellness expert and grow your sphere of influence with inspiring, educational content on intuitive eating with social media posts, informative opt-in freebies, and top it all off with a hard-hitting workshop.
- You can use the Intuitive Eating Program, Eat with Intention, in your membership, opt as a mastery program or for a retreat.
- Teach your clients how to tap into intuition and stop dieting. This program is the UN-Diet program teaching your clients to come to soul.
Building a business alone is hard. Building a business with support is NOT.
This program is your…
- Run this as a Course, Create a Membership with the modules and program and upsell to a Mega Program or your 1-1.
- Gateway Program, Signature Program, List Builder or Business-boosting moneymaker, packed with info you can trust and materials that are professional and polished.
- Client-pleasing, time-saving, reboot program loaded with all the recipes and marketing materials you need to wow your clients and deliver the results they’ve all been waiting for.
- The Perfect Jumpstart program for JV’s with gyms, doctors offices or a great gateway program for building trust with clients to lead them into your funnel. Very few will ever find success in JUST online business. You gotta get out there, adapt and be flexible – it’s time to build your empire with all the proper foundations.
We’ve done all the research, writing, designing, and editing so that you can jump into the world of signature programs feet first!
That’s why you’ll get a complete set of marketing tools & the entire program delivery package with the 3-Month Eat with Intention program because our clients need to learn how to let go of DIETING!
STOP staying up late & missing precious moments with your family because you’re slaving over Canva or battling with PowerPoint. This investment is a no-brainer. Go ahead and try to hire a copywriter to deliver but a fraction of what we are offering you here.
The 3-Month Eat with Intention Program includes everything you need to transform your unsure clients into raving fans. You can finally hang up your Content Creator cap and put on your Health Coach crown!
In the marketing section of the 3-Month Eat with Intention Program package, you get ALL the materials to both execute & deliver two opt-in freebies, workshops, presentations and so much more!
You also get everything you need to market the program itself, from the sales page to social posts, to pre-marketing emails!
For Your Clients …
Give your clients a great program and take all the credit, because everything is copyright-free and yours to claim:
- 3 VALUE PACKED Guides/Modules and Power-points that you can deliver to your clients in many different ways: 1-1 sessions, as an extensive program (3 Months for example), a course or membership entryway. You get a beautifully designed PowerPoint presentation for each module listed below PLUS a beautiful guide that will help your clients go through each pillar or foundation to reboot the client’s entire life.
- Here is a week-by-week glance at what your clients will learn in these modules:
- Getting Started
- Your Action Steps to Launch this Program
MODULE 1 - Week 1: The Baseline
- Module 1 recap
- Week 6: MAKE PEACE
- Module 2 Recap
- Week 10: MOTION
- Week 12: Empower
- 2 Recipe Guides – OMNIVORE OR VEGAN with over delicious recipes. Give your clients a taste of healthy living, one delicious bite at a time. A professional chef crafts each recipe and based on the guidelines of CLEAN EATING 101. They’ll taste sinfully good, but be great for your clients’ wellness. No need to get scared of planning, everything is laid out.
- Vegan Recipe Guide has 86 recipes (gluten free, dairy free, plant based)
- Omnivore Recipe Guide has 99 recipes (gluten free)
- Vegan and Omnivore: 2 sets of 3 Months worth of Pantry Lists allowing your client to shop without stress.
- Vegan and Omnivore: 2 sets of 3 Months of Suggested Meals We created the suggested meals as a simple roadmap for your clients. Of course, Intuitive Eating is about asking soul and body what it is hungry… and we wanted your clients to have a baseline.
- A beautifully designed food diary to hold your clients accountable and keep track of their progress.
- Intuitive Eating Journal PDF, 19 pages of information you and your client can use as homework or add to your group program.
PLUS, you get everything you need to set up a success signature or gateway offer to get clients and make money!
For Your Business …
And it’s not just your clients who get great benefits – your business gets the boost it needs to make killer sales and get your name the visibility it deserves!
- 2 Beautiful Irresistible Opt-in Freebies. Build your list and boost your brand awareness with these info-packed, stylish opt-in freebies. Put them on your website to draw subscribers or turn them into mini-programs, webinars, workshops, and more to build a great and lasting impression.
- Opt-in Freebie #1: Intuitive Eating For The Busy Person
- Opt-in Sales Page
- Thank You Email
- 5 promotional images
- 2d image
- Opt-in Freebie #2: Learn How To Create a Beautiful Relationship With Food Opt-In Freebie
- Opt-in Sales Page
- Thank You Email
- 5 promotional images
- 2d image
- Opt-in Freebie #1: Intuitive Eating For The Busy Person
- TWO Additional Powerpoints that you can sell separately as a tripwire or use them as additional opt-in freebies: Imagine only needing to rehearse your talk for a webinar, workshop, or live community event. Your job is to educate – not have to spend time creating content. With professionally designed presentations, easy to follow scripts, handouts and everything you need! THIS MEANS DONE FOR YOU WORKSHOPS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Great for list building or adding to a membership.
- PowerPoint #1: 10 Principles of Eating With Intuition
- 5 Promo Images
- Script
- PowerPoint Presentation
- PowerPoint #2: Learn 3 Simple Strategies to End Yo-Yo Dieting for Life
- 5 Promo Images
- Script
- PowerPoint Presentation
- 6 pre-marketing emails to prime your existing list. A captive audience is a terrible thing to waste. If you have a list of email subscribers who would benefit from this amazing reboot program, this list will get them ready to buy before you even launch.
- 14 support emails to support your clients through the entire reset process. We all know that when we are making drastic changes to our lifestyle it can be daunting, to say the least. Help your clients by making them feel like you are right there by their side through this amazing journey.
- A Fantastic Social Media Package to promote your business like a social media maven:
- 20 Blog posts with pictures: We did the writing for ya! No more spending time doing something that may or may not be your passion. Just plug these onto your website, automate your marketing and promote! Just one blog can take over TWO HOURS TO WRITE. Do the math, how much time are you saving with these.
- A kickass sales page, written by a professional copywriter: This sales page was crafted by one of my top copywriters and is designed to attract and sell your 3-Month Eat with Intention™ program to your ideal clients. No more posting a page and hoping it works. This one WILL.
- Kick off and Wrap up Powerpoints with play-by-play scripts: Get your new program off to an unbeatable start with the right kick-off webinar or live presentation, and close it just as strongly. Fully scripted, these two presentations offer a quick way to break the ice and start your launch on the right foot.
- Pricing Sheet – to help you price your programs correctly.
- A Coaching Package – with essential documents, templates, session notes, and follow up emails to launch like a professional health coach making all the moolah!
- A Gorgeous Collage – To look like a fabulous brand and promote your coaching business like a rock star.
- 2d, 3d covers and the flat images for the program materials
- A Program Manual – just for you coach. Exactly what you need how to use this program!
Those values above? That’s how much each item cost to create.
3-Month Eat with Intention Program™
This program is packed with the materials you need to get back a little free time in your day and recapture a little work-life balance. You’ll be ready for online and offline events, group coaching, webinars, workshops, challenges, 1:1 coaching – you name it.
More importantly, you’ll have a system and the support you need to rock your health coach business.
If you’re tired of programs collecting virtual dust on your computer, get ready for a change. Too often, health coaches buy a program (or twenty) but don’t get advice or support to help them rock it. I hate that. You’re investing your time and money in these programs, and it’s my job to make sure you see the value you deserve, coach.
The system you’re getting is mine. It’s what I used to take my own business to multiple six-figures, and I’ve helped 8,500+ coaches uplevel their businesses, too. It works.
It works because you get more than just materials – you get access to an exclusive group of like-minded coaches who are headed down the path to success with you. Ever run a race, Coach? It’s easier to go the distance when you’re not alone. We’re in this together.
You also get access to my team (my copywriters, my graphic designers, etc. and ME). We’re in the Facebook forum with you, answering questions, giving advice, listening to your concerns, and helping you rock your business. It’s what we live for.
This is not a cookie-cutter program that you’ll have to pay hidden royalties for or wind up needing a thousand add-ons to make it work. You get everything you need to rock an amazing adrenals program: guides, recipes, newsletters, blogs, PowerPoint presentation, session notes, you name it…I’ve pulled out all the stops. There are NO hidden fees; everything is COPYRIGHT FREE.
But Coach, there’s one thing I haven’t given you. Mojo. You’ve got to add your own. Go rock it!
What happens when you buy?
I send the materials right to your inbox, and you start editing your done for you program.
Then you share, share and share.
The time is now my friend.
Just click here to SAY yes to your success.
My name is Rachel A. Feldman.
I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system and a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit and my family.
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REFUND POLICY: Due to the nature of a downloadable product, we do not issue refunds. If you have questions about what product is right for you, please fill out the contact form. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to supporting you. To read the full disclaimer and FaQ’s, please visit
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your use and purchase from this site signify your agreement with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer. If you do not agree with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer, please do not buy this product and close this website.
3-Month Eat with Intention™ by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.