Transform Your Clients’ Health While Transforming Your Pockets Too! – All with ONE Workshop! BUY NOW

Boost Your Immune System Workshop™

Your Done-For-You Invigorating Machine!


Health Coach, it is time to give your clients a life-changing boost that will rock their whole foundation!

Help your clients understand the probable causes of their pesky, never-ending symptoms. You’ve seen your clients suffer for too long, it’s time to give them what they need and so desperately want.

The research, the social media graphics, the flyers, even the blogging has been done for you already! All that’s left to do is for you to show up, glow up and kill it in the workshop!

As a health coach, you want to see your clients succeed. It’s time to give them the proper tools so that they do not fail and so that they keep coming back for more of your high-end programs, of course!

A Done For You Workshop kit is what you need to turn clients into FANS.

The Boost Your Immune System Workshop will help your clients learn what they do NOW to boost the immune.

Let’s be honest here, Health Coach, you are most likely spending too much time trying to figure out how to create presentations.

We did the research.

We thought about every aspect of what you need to launch this workshop ONLINE OR OFFLINE OR A COMBO OF BOTH.

Your Zone of Genius is COACHING not designing graphics, writing good sales pages, email automation. Sure, you can try and do it on your own, but why deprive yourself of FREEDOM when it’s RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER?

You need a Done for You BOOST YOUR IMMUNE Workshop kit that guides you through the process of right-hooking your clients and turning them into long-term revenue.

With this Workshop Kit, we are really taking off the guesswork out of your launch!

This workshop kit will save you time and money. Imagine being able to spend time with your loved ones, having the freedom to take care of yourself instead of sacrificing sleepless nights in front of your computer. It doesn’t get much better than that! TRUST ME.

For a long time, I banged my head against my computer, AND the truth is I wasn’t an email automation expert or a social media guru, and all these things kept taking me further away from my truth: I wanted to help change people’s lives.

My Boost Your Immune System Workshop™ delivers tons of value to your clients, tools that they can carry for the rest of their lives while helping you get back your sleeping schedule.


Sneak Peek

For Your Client …

Boost Your Immune System Program

Are you curious to know what your clients will get with this amazing product?


Your client gets all of this!!!

  • A POWERFUL POWERPOINT PRESENTATION packed with 16 slides of life-changing information for your clients. You can take this presentation anywhere, offline and online!
  • A perfectly crafted Workshop Script ready to be splashed with your personality! No need for research, no need for hours of writer’s block. You got this all locked and loaded.
  • 2 Beautifully designed handouts (we did the research for you)
    • 3 Healing Soups for a Head Cold
    • Essential Oils for your Immune System
  • An attractive and engageable Workshop to help your clients dive head first into getting to know their immune system and better defend it.
  • An Irresistible Optin Page strategically written to have prospects signing up for your programs without hesitation.
  • A beautiful thank you letter to break the ice with your new clients and start nurturing long-lasting relationships with your customers.
  • 10 Gorgeous Social Media Graphics so that you can promote your workshop to your heart’s content, across all channels.
  • 1 Flyer to share on your FB, Eventbrite account or even print out and start hustling the heck out of this program! You can even print this up and set up an offline workshop!
  • 2 READY TO GO BLOG POSTS with pictures to further promote your workshop, entice potential customers and transform you into a subject matter expert.

Give your clients ALL the reasons to press that purchase button. Change their lives and YOURS as well!

Truth be told: If you don’t give it to them, someone else will.

Buy it. Brand it. Launch it. Everything you need to jumpstart your business is right here for ONLY $117.

Boost Your Immune System Workshop™
Full Pay


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What happens when you buy?

I send the materials right to your inbox, and you start editing your done for you workshop.
Then you share, share and share.

The time is now my friend.

Just click here to SAY yes to your success.

Rachel Feldman

My name is Rachel A. Feldman.

I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system and a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit and my family.

Do you still have questions? Please check the FAQ page for answers to common questions.

REFUND POLICY: Due to the nature of a downloadable product, we do not issue refunds. If you have questions about what product is right for you, please fill out the contact form. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to supporting you. To read the full disclaimer and FaQ’s, please visit

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your use and purchase from this site signifies your agreement with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer. If you do not agree with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer, please do not buy this product and close this website.

Boost Your Immune System Workshop™ by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.