Health Coach, give your clients a Workshop that delivers them from the Sugar Dominion!
Sugar is the culprit to so many issues in our body, from physical to emotional. Let’s give your clients what they’ve been needing all this time!
Aren’t you tired of spending so much time on creating programs and not working with your ideal client?
Want to get people really excited about working with you?
A Done For You Workshop kit is what you need to get this party started!
This How to Quit Sugar For Life Workshop will have your tribe knocking doors down to work with you.
Are you tired of spending your time creating programs and not working with your dream client?
Have you really hit the nail on the head when it comes to your clients’ WANTS?
The best way to build authority in your biz is to give your TRIBE a product that fulfills their NEEDS but most importantly their WANTS.
You need a Done for You Workshop kit that guides you through every step to reel in their hearts and SEAL THE DEAL.
I got what you need to maximize your time and spew Workshops like THE BEST OF THEM.
The best way to HOOK those dream clients is to JAB Them with VALUABLE, ENTERTAINING AND ENGAGING content. Use the script, nurture them, and give them a mouthwatering taste of what you can do for their lives!
Imagine your clients working through this presentation and realizing that YOU have the answers and solutions to all of their health problems. Right. On. Your. Hands. They will be literally shoving people out of the way to get more of your secret sauce, to get them feel confident, sexy, rejuvenated and HEALTHY.
Prepare yourself to receive heart-warming five star reviews and love from those in need. Prepare to feel GOOD about the content and information you’ve provided to your clients.
How to Quit Sugar for Life Workshop™
Your Done-For-You Workshop LEVEL UP!
Free your Clients from Sugar’s Grasp!
This is what the How to Quit Sugar for Life Workshop™ includes:
- An igniting and approachable workshop presentation packed with 10 super doable ways to really kick sugar in the bum and out of your clients’ lives!
- A DONE FOR YOU (of course!) Workshop Script that will make you feel and sound like the AMAZING Health Coach that you are.
- 5 handouts Packed with nutritional education to keep them on track and give them ideas for clean eating on the go.
- Facebook Copy that will turn heads because you deserve to knock their socks off with a professional first impression.
- A fabulous welcome letter to begin the start of your client-coach relationship in style and with trust.
- 1 GORGEOUS flyer to use in our Facebook events, and your Facebook challenge groups and even offline. Yes! You can print this baby and place it in Spas, Gyms, Smoothie Shops, you name it!
- 10 stunning social media images to help you reel in the masses for your amazing workshop.
- A guaranteed to CONVERT sales page written by my own word slingin’ copywriter.
Are you curious to know what your clients will get with this amazing product? Well let’s go over it!
What’s included in this program?
For Your Client …
Your clients get all of this with YOUR name on it because I only put out COPYRIGHT FREE business building goodies:
- 5 handouts bursting with nutritional education to keep your tribe on track:
- Best Foods to Beat Sugar Cravings
- Best Low Sugar Snacks
- Best Supplements to Beat Sugar Cravings
- How to Read Nutrition Labels for Hidden Sugar
- Sugar Substitutes
- A Gorgeous, Easy to Follow Workshop to really get in gear and beat those unhealthy sugar habits.
It might seem too good to be true, but it’s real and can be all yours with one click.
For Your Business …
- An attractive and easy to follow workshop presentation packed with 10 effective ways to really kick sugar out of your life for good and provides ROCKING IMPACT.
- A DONE FOR YOU Workshop Script That will elevate you and your brand to the next level.
- 5 handouts Packed with nutritional education because clients WANT valuable content. So Valuable Content Is what We Produce!
- Facebook Copy that will turn heads – You need to magnetize your prospects.
Give them NO REASON to back out!
- 1 IMPRESSIVE flyer to use in our Facebook events, and your Facebook challenge groups and even offline. Yes! You can print this baby and place it in different venues! The Offline hustle is SUPER important.
- 10 stunning social media images to help you reel in the masses for your amazing workshop.
- A fabulous welcome letter to warm your leads with a familiar and relatable icebreaker.
- A guaranteed to CONVERT sales page written by my own word slingin’ copywriter.
Give your tribe NO REASONS FOR HESITATION. Have them press that buy button like YESTERDAY!
Truth be told: If you don’t give it to them, someone else will.
Buy it. Brand it. Launch it. Everything you need to jumpstart your business is right here for ONLY $97.
What happens when you buy?
The time is now my friend.
Just click here to SAY yes to your success.
My name is Rachel A. Feldman.
I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system and a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit and my family.
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How to Quit Sugar for Life Workshop™ by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.