Coach, did your clients ever tell you they’d just like to shed a few pounds?
More than 60% of adults are considered to be overweight or obese, but excess weight isn’t always a lifestyle issue. Sometimes it’s about time, too. Just like you, clients are busy, busy, busy. There’s always too much to do, and the idea of committing to a long program can seem impossible.
Besides, everyone wants to lose weight fast, right?
You know slower weight loss is safer, and so do I. But how can you convince your clients to commit for the time they need to healthily lose weight? And will they follow through?
Coach, I recently worked with a group of new moms who wanted to shed the post-baby weight. There’s no one with less free time than a new mom. Between postpartum recovery, sleep deprivation, and the need to constantly care for a newborn, running the house or working… you get the picture.
They were busy, tired, and living a REAL LIFE, sister.. The kind of life where you grab a snack at the kitchen counter because that’s all the time you’ve got.
I’ve done it, too.
Working with them, I realized the need for a weight loss system that could be used as a 7, 14, or 21 day program. And coach, the moms loved it. They stuck with me through the program, loved the results, and spread the word.
Hello, Money Maker!
These Done-For-You Programs are right for you if…
- You are a brand-new coach, fresh out of school, and you need a program of substance to offer your clients.
- You are a health professional who wants to build their business on a solid foundation of valuable, niche-specific programs, and offer more than just two sessions and two handouts in any given month.
- You are a seasoned coach who’s been around the block, have a few launches under your belt, and now you’re ready for time-saving tools so that you can coach more and work the back-end a whole lot less.
- You are a coach who wants to rebrand, make a name for yourself, and stand out in your industry using niche-specific programs that attract potential clients like a magnet.
These Done-For-You Programs will save you…
- Stress: You were born to coach and pursue your dreams and that doesn’t include sitting in front of your computer trying to work every single aspect of your business all by yourself. The stress of creating and writing hundreds of pages just isn’t where you need to put your energy when you have clients waiting to be coached.
- Time: Whether you’re working a 9 to 5 or raising kids, time is of the essence. You can’t possibly clone yourself, and the startup funds to hire a full blown team to do it for you just isn’t there. These Done-For-You Programs will give you more time the minute you say yes to more freedom in your business and choose the niche-specific program of your dreams. One program guide takes 100 hours to complete – imagine what it takes to create the entire program.
- Money: Let’s talk cash, coach. The value of these programs begin at 8k and end in the ballpark of 30k to create just one. From the program guides to the recipes, sales pages to written emails, social media images to newsletters, and so much more. Why get into a heap of debt when you can get your business rolling in the dough for anywhere between $167-$2,812? Easy pick, isn’t it?
Weight is an issue, coach. A big one – and it’s a problem SO MANY of our clients are facing. Just think about it.
- More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese.
- More than 1 in 20 adults are considered to have extreme obesity.
But obesity isn’t just about adults.
It’s about families.
- About one-third of children and adolescents ages, 6 to 19 are considered to be overweight or obese.
- More than 1 in 6 children and adolescents ages 6 to 19 are considered to be obese.
And it’s not just about what’s on your clients’ plates. It’s antibiotic overuse and unbalanced gut microbiomes. It’s stress. It’s emotions. Babes, for many of our clients, it’s LIFE.
That’s where this program comes from.
I’m sick of seeing people who could be living much healthier lifestyles and enjoying the body they want without obsessing over the scale, counting every calorie, or riding the crazy, good-for-nothing sugar roller coaster.
NO gimmicks.
NO fad diets.
NO yo-yoing up and down the scale.
Launch the Holistic Weight Loss Program You’ve Dreamed About TODAY
These all-new EASY WEIGHT LOSS™ programs are your COPYRIGHT-FREE gateway to transforming new clients into loyal fans. Help your clients achieve their goals and strengthen your reputation as a coach while making your mark in a world plagued by obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.
Let me say it again, coach: NO FADS. NO DIETS. NO GIMMICKS.
This is a done-for-you clean eating program guaranteed to help you build your coaching practice using real food solutions to fight the chronic problem of weight worldwide.
You got into health coaching to make a difference, and you are NEEDED.
My entire EASY WEIGHT LOSS™ programs were created to help make your biz profitable and to give your clients long-lasting results they can see and feel.
Brace yourself for HUNDREDS OF REFERRALS when your clients rave about you. And trust me, coach, they will.
Your clients want confidence without deprivation.
Easy Weight Loss
Get ready to make BOOKOO bucks as THE Health Coach who fights the overweight and obesity epidemic with REAL, HOLISTIC solutions.
- Real food solution to help your clients trim down, kill sugar cravings, reach their goals without a fad diet, and experience long-lasting results.
- Perfect starter program with beautifully-designed materials, tasty recipes, and a simple step-by-step solution to America’s worst health problem. Get new clients in the door and keep them coming back for more.
- Profit-building client favorite for coaches who’ve mastered social media and graphic design, but need something new and exciting to offer their clients.
We’ve all seen her, coach. The client who reaches out to you, looking for a healthy way to lose weight. She’s tried every fad diet, and her body is hating her for it.
She’s crushed. She wants answers. More than that, she wants RESULTS.
You want to help her. You’ve got the knowledge. BUT you need a program, and you KNOW there’s more to her problem than just what’s on her plate.
The EASY WEIGHT LOSS™ program is more than just a diet. It’s a holistic weight loss program. You’re focusing on her mind and body, too.
Take your clients through a step-by-step plan for life instead of just focusing on the food.
Anyone can buy a book on what to eat and what to skip – your clients need you and this program to put them in touch with the rest of the picture. YOU can make it happen, coach. You can give your clients the long-lasting results they’ve been looking for.
What’s included
in this program?
For Your Clients

- WEIGHT LOSS Guide – Your clients need daily prompts and instructions with information to help them break free of excess weight. They want to understand and enjoy the process, and they ache for long term results. This guide gives it all to them (and it’s completely customizable!) (Value $1000+. Yes, I wrote this baby from front to back!)

- WEIGHT LOSS At A Glance – Your clients will love the ease of seeing all 7 days of meals clearly laid out. This printer-friendly guide is a hit with clients and makes the detox a cinch to follow. (Value $150.50)

- WEIGHT LOSS Recipe Guide – complete with 20+ delicious recipes and mouthwatering pictures to match each one. No groans about ‘diet food’ – these recipes are for REAL food. Chef-designed and flavor-loaded for your clients (Value $600+ and that’s JUST what it costs to have these chef tested.)

- SEVEN DAY WEIGHT LOSS Suggested Meals Shopping List, making planning the week and shopping as easy as 1-2-3 for your clients. (Value $150.50).

- Beautifully-Designed Food Diary so your client can jot down the process, every step of the way and learn what foods really fuel their body. (Value $70).

- EASY-to-FOLLOW Weight Loss Tracker to help your client keep an eye on their progress and stay on a successful track! (Value $75).

- A Professionally-written WEIGHT LOSS Welcome Email – Easily and comfortably introduce your client to the program with a simple Day- In- Your- Life protocol and great tips on how to start the program (Value $99).
(Value for your clients: $2,145+)
For Your Business …

- SUCCESS Manual & Launch Toolbox: Give your business the organization it needs to kick into high gear selling like a PRO (Value $1,497)

- Rockin’ Sales Page by a pro copywriter: Save countless hours of searching for a great copywriter, editing, designing, revising, rewriting… and watch your sales soar. The heavy selling is done for you (Value $1,000+)

- Email Support Sequence: 3 Rockin’ emails to support your clients through the program and check in after, too. Customize these babies to match your client’s needs and support them step-by-step through the program. (Value $300)

- Pro-Designed 3D eBook cover: A rockin’ eBook cover that looks great and comes with a flat JPEG format. (Value $100)

- One designer banner: Use this gorgeous, pro-designed banner on your site or for Facebook groups + events. (Value $125)

- A BONUS 3D eBook collage of the ENTIRE WEIGHT LOSS Program: Feature your program and create the visual your clients need to see to hit the BUY button on your sales page or social media. (Value $445)

- Seven VIDEO Screen share Tutorials: Created by my top- notch VA team, these tutorials give you all the hand-holding you’ll need to feel confident every techy step of the way. The result? A worry-free launch and a biz built with confidence. ($350+ value):
- How To Edit Your Materials
- How To Insert Your Sales Page
- How To Set Up A PayPal Button
- MailChimp Made Easy:
- Mailchimp Training- Setting up a Sign Up Form
- Mailchimp Training- Connecting to Paypal
- Mailchimp Training- Setting Up Automation
- Mailchimp Training- Editing Campaigns
Value for your Business: $3,817+
And coach, those values above aren’t just numbers.
My amazing team of 2 pro copywriters, 3 graphic designers, 2 editors, and 2 VA’s worked around the clock with me to make this upgrade happen.
Those values above? That’s how much each item cost to create.
TOTAL VALUE OF THE EASY WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM = $2,145 + $3,817+ = $5,962+
Price for month
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Your Text
Take your clients from “I don’t know if I should hire her…” to
And that’s not all…
You and I both KNOW it’s the perfect time to start a weight loss program for your health coach biz, babes. Beach season is about to begin. Your clients are dragging out their swimwear from storage and groaning over holiday weight gain.
Give Your Clients a Sexy, Beach-ready Bod and Jumpstart Your Health Coaching Practice
No more excuses, coach.
Not yours, or theirs. It’s time to make fantasy a reality with a program your clients will love and your bottom line will adore.
When I started my journey to health coaching, I was flat broke. The stock market had just crashed, my family needed cash, and I was dealing with an autoimmune that sucked my energy. I didn’t have time to mess around.
My health coach training got my autoimmune issues under wraps, but I was stuck with major financial worries, coach. And I didn’t have a clue how to get new clients or make the whole health coaching biz model WORK.
They don’t prep you for the real world in class. It seems like a cakewalk, but then you get out there, ready to change the world, you’re left wondering “What next?”
I want to free you from hours of trying to find clients or build marketing and sales funnels that work. Get in on the secret every successful health coach is already using.
Done-For-You programs. My business is built on them. I wrote them, tested them, and realized just how important they were to make a living helping others get healthy. And you can use them, too, Babes.
Imagine bringing your clients to a healthier lifestyle and making a living you can be proud of. Picture having time to spend with your family. Can you see yourself NOT working 14-16 hours EVERY DAY just to build your next program – hoping someone might buy it…?
Imagine waking up to a fully-designed, launch-ready, PROVEN program. One that’s guaranteed to drive sales, especially after you throw a little of your own branding and mojo into the mix.
Give your clients the holistic weight loss program they want, without killing yourself to create it.
That’s what this program is all about, Sister.
Easy Weight Loss
You CAN make more money and grow your client roster without working 24/7.
I’ll show you how with EASY WEIGHT LOSS ROCKSTAR™.
- Business Building Tool to get your name where it belongs – on the A list of health coaches. Team up with a gym and get clients, coach online in a virtual group, partner with a doctor’s office or a local spa, and share EASY recipes – with YOUR name in the spotlight. EASY WEIGHT LOSS ROCKSTAR™ gives you the tools to make it happen.
- Major Marketing Support AND Your New Hit Program, complete with all the materials you AND your clients will need. 100% copyright-free and ready for your to brand and bedazzle with your personal brand mojo, babes, so you can use all of the materials ANY WAY YOU WANT.
- Ticket to relaxation and free time. You’ve busted your butt for years getting the training you need to be a health coach. You’ve got the knowledge, the know-how, and the moxie to rock this biz. With EASY WEIGHT LOSS ROCKSTAR™, you won’t have to hide in your office trying to master 50 professions besides health coaching to get your name out there, get the clients you need, and start making a living doing what you love. Just brand and launch, baby.
What’s included
in this program?
Easy Weight Loss Rockstar
EASY WEIGHT LOSS ROCKSTAR™ is loaded with goodies. I’m giving you EVERYTHING in Easy Weight Loss Basic™ PLUS…
- 6 MORE Emails: Give your clients all the support they’ll need with this empathy-packed handholding email series. Answer their questions, help them feel heard and understood, and save yourself hours of hard work. Just personalize and send! (Value $600)

- 6 Premarketing Emails: Get your clients primed and ready to buy your new weight loss program with this rockin’ series. It lays all the groundwork for you – plug, play, and watch your signups go through the roof. (Value $600+)

- Two Opt-in Freebies: Create Your Healthy Life and Three Day Juice Cleanse. Designed to bring the perfect clients to your practice, these opt-in freebies are an eye-catching bonus future clients will love. Show off your expertise with its gorgeous design and info-packed pages…WITHOUT spending weeks and a small fortune researching, writing, editing, and designing. (Value $250)

- 10 Recipe Photos:Your clients will drool over these gorgeous photos of their recipes. Talk about diet motivation! They’ll be excited to eat their chef-designed meals when they take a look at these stunning photos. (Value $300)

- 10 Beautiful Marketing Images: Illustrated with quotes on weight loss to keep your clients motivated, spread the branded, positive word about your program, and catch the attention of new clients – without spending hours on Canva or in Photoshop. (Value $200)

- 5 Social Media Banners: Stunning images, professional design, and the perfect size for your social media platforms. The perfect professional image, with zero effort from you. (Value $625+)

- Mini-class: Facebook Made Easy. You know how important FB is to your practice, but it’s constantly changing. There are always new features and hidden tricks and tips to boost your profits and help you grow a strong client community. Find out how to work them with this class. (Value $112.50+)

- Rockin’ Facebook Marketing Made Easy Pre-recorded Video Classes: Master the marketing techniques you need to put on a powerhouse event, draw clients, and make BOOKOO bucks doing what you LOVE. ($150+ value):
- How to Market
- Copy You Need to Put on Your Event
- Tricks We Use to Create Events in Forums

- Rockin’ PowerPoint: Count away the pounds without counting calories w/ script. Are you ready for your next presentation? If you’d rather rehearse and deliver your talk instead of spending days working on it and winding up too tired to motivate your audience, this is for you. Convert new clients instantly with this beautiful presentation, perfect for almost any crowd (online AND offline!). (Value $150+)

- Tech Training: How to Host a Webinar. Take any talk and turn it into a rockin’ webinar with the tips in this training class. There are 7 billion people on this planet babes – it’s time to reach out to them. Learn how to host your own amazing webinar NOW. (Value $50+)

- ANOTHER High-converting Sales Page from a PRO Copywriter: Sell your program as “Emotional Eating & Weight Loss” and help your clients discover the connection between food and their emotions. GUARANTEED to boost your program sales! (Value $1,000+)
Ready to Stop Chasing Clients and Start Making a Profit?
Coach, I’d be lying if I told you this business was easy. It’s not.
You’ve got to keep up with the changes – the old tactics you learned in school just aren’t enough to win clients these days.
You need new techniques. Fast.
Just look how suddenly challenges came onto the online scene, and how much of an impact they’re making! There’s more to staying ahead than a few challenges, though, sister.
You’ve got to innovate.
I want YOU to be the next celebrity health coach. To do it, you’re going to have to up your game. It’s a new world out there. You need to constantly be looking for new ways to step it up.
Work your mojo ON AND OFFLINE.
Forget thinking outside of the box. Destroy the box, coach. Let your creativity flow, and you’ll find plenty of opportunities no one else is taking advantage of.
Coaching is the hottest industry right now. You KNOW the competition is stiff.
Consider this your CHEAT SHEET.
Here are a few ways you can set yourself apart OFFLINE.
Don’t stop with this list, though, sister. Keep brainstorming!
- Host a workshop at your home. Teach clients how to skinny down the fridge. Call it something like, “The Skinny Kitchen Makeover”, and sell the EASY WEIGHT LOSS program to everyone in the room!
- Launch the EASY WEIGHT LOSS Program and insert your favorite products into it – use this as a gateway to sell your favorite brands AND your rockstar skills as a coach.
- Combine the EASY WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM with another source to help your clients see results like a chef, fitness trainer, massage therapist, etc.
- Host a group retreat focused on the TRIM DOWN lifestyle.
- Partner with your local gym and host a WEIGHT LOSS challenge.
- Hook up with a chiropractic office or spa.
- Build a lengthier program for your clients by just REPEATING THE PROCESS and adding your mojo to the mix.
Working your health coaching magic ONLINE? Try these:
- Host your own virtual SKINNY COOKING class.
- Create YouTube videos and teach how to trim it down through CLEAN EATING.
- Run a FREE challenge online to BUILD YOUR LIST, like a 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge. Then, UPSELL to a 3 or 6-months program.
- Sell access to paid workshops and include the EASY WEIGHT LOSS™ program.
- Host online group programs and make money doing it!
- Combine your mastermind program or signature wellness program with the EASY WEIGHT LOSS Program.
- SELL the skinny recipes and suggested meals as DIGITAL products to build a list and sell higher-end products and programs to your clients.
- Host a series of online classes with the INFO. Educate and reach new potential clients by providing value. Build a reputation – people need to know that you know what you are talking about. End of story.
Price for month
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Your Text
Are you the kind of coach who wants to reach the top…yesterday?
You’ve got devotion, a dream, and the drive to make it real now. You know it takes work, and you’re looking forward to it.
Start your EASY WEIGHT LOSS™ program now, and you’ll also get EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO MY #HEALTHCOACHBIZ PRIVATE FACEBOOK FORUM where you have access to me and my team whenever you need us. (Value: PRICELESS)
Every entrepreneur needs a community to cheer them on and support their business’s growth.
Remember that time you were sitting at your desk – totally exhausted – and baffled by a client issue? Feels like yesterday.
Oh wait, it was yesterday.
You desperately needed answers but had nowhere to turn.
With SUGAR REPAIR™, you have access to a VIP seat in our exclusive Facebook community of like-minded and supportive health coaches and specialists. These pros have got your back and will help you take your business to the next level.
You also have access to me.
Ask me ANYTHING about your clients, the program, gluten-free whole foods, weight loss, food allergies, or your health and receive straight-up advice and solutions you can apply immediately. I am in the forum daily, answering your questions.
What can I say? I’m here for you.
You’re not alone, Coach.
Sneak peek: The Exclusive Facebook Community
Our community has the support you need. You’ve got the moxie everyone wants.
Together, we’re UNSTOPPABLE.
Price for month
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Price for month
Your Text
REFUND POLICY: Due to the nature of a downloadable product, we do not issue refunds. If you have questions about what product is right for you, please fill out the contact form. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to supporting you. To read the full disclaimer and FaQ’s, please visit
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